Bookish Chat not a review

On reading by mood

Why do you choose to read the books you read? How often is it just because that’s what you feel like?

It’s been a while since that was the main reason I chose a book, but I’m finding that these days it’s the only successful way I actually finish anything. When my time and attention have a lot competing for them (children, work, housework, chronic illness) reading has to fit into the small gaps left over, and if a book doesn’t manage to lodge in my brain and remind me to pick it up again at every opportunity, it will take me a lot longer. I need to be invested. 

Bookish Chat not a review

Back again

  • life update
  • 2021 reading
  • reading and writing plans in 2022

Hi, internet. It’s been a while since I blogged here.

I’ve been away for a while, for the same reason I’ve been away before – in 2021 I had my second baby, and being pregnant and then having a newborn are exhausting, and priorities have to be chosen. Blogging is something I do for fun, so it drops off the list fairly quickly.

I’m currently about to return to work again after being off on maternity leave, and I’ve built into the new routine some time for writing. Primarily this will be about finishing my novel (finally, please, finally) but occasionally I’m hoping to write a little post here about what I’m up to. I’ll be on Instagram and Twitter to chat writing and books as well. On here I’m expecting to be writing some reviews, some posts about the writing process. We’ll see.

Bookish Chat not a review


This blog is on a temporary hiatus
while I focus on other creative projects.

I’ll be back in a couple of months with lots more bookish posts!

Book Only

Masters not a review writing

Creative Writing MAs | Advice

In September 2016, I started studying for my Creative Writing MA at Bath Spa University. There was a lot I wanted to learn and achieve, and I adored every moment of it. In 2014, I wrote an advice post about Creative Writing undergrad degrees, and this post is intended to be something similar for MA courses. Inevitably my advice is based on my own experience, but I have tried to be as general as possible. If you’re thinking of doing an MA and would like to chat about it, get it touch! You can reach me by email through my contact form or find me on Twitter.

Arm yourself with a cup of tea – this is a long post!


not a review

Most Anticipated Releases 2018

2018 most anticipated

2018 is going to be a great year for books. There are multiple authors I really love bringing out new things this year, as well as several authors whose books I own and haven’t read yet who I need to catch up on before they bring out new ones! These are some of the books I’m most excited about in the coming year. 

Lists not a review

Winter Reads

recommendations header

Winter is one of my favourite times of year for reading. The year winding down and a new one starting, lots of chances to see family and friends. And plenty of time curled up with a cuppa and a good book. There are some books I often come back to at this time of year, and some that I’m keen to pick up this time around.

not a review

Post-Deadline TBR

At the end of September I will hand in the final 40,000 words for my Masters course. I have loved this year – it has taught me so much and given me great opportunities. But it has also cut down on my reading time. This time last year I was about thirteen books ahead of where I am now. Overall, I’m pleased with how much I’ve read alongside studying, but of course I still have a stack of books I haven’t read for now which I want to read once I’m done. Below are a few of those…

not a review

Holiday Book Haul

Another holiday in the Lake District, and I have come home again with a lovely stack of books. The little bit of Cumbria that my husband and I have visited with friends over the past few years has several lovely independent bookshops, most particularly Fred Holdsworth in Ambleside and Sam Read in Grasmere.

Fred Holdsworth

not a review


Monday 26th June 2017 marked twenty years since the original publication of Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Everywhere you turn online, someone is telling you what they love about this series, so I’m sure you’ve heard everything I can say on that subject elsewhere already. Instead, this is a mini shelf tour of my Harry Potter collcetion. In itself, this shelf is evidence of my love for the series.


not a review

Things to read when it’s too hot to think

The UK is having a heatwave right now, which I am not enjoying. I don’t cope well with heat. Like most of the country, I have not slept well for the past few nights, and I’ve been filling those hours of restless, sweaty discomfort with reading.